vietec are 14 years old today!

vietec are 14 years old today!

vietec are celebrating 14 successful years in business today, and we couldn’t have done it without our partners, suppliers and loyal customers.  vietec formed in 2005, by Phil Drew, Managing Director, provide bespoke ICT solutions across the country. The...


Vietec are now certified Paxton Installers, adding Paxton to the vietec portfolio means as a company in the ICT provision we are able to offer a range of solutions that meet our customers needs in access control, door entry and wireless door handles. Paxton uses the...
New School of Network Audio

New School of Network Audio

School administrators rely daily on public address systems to communicate efficiently with students, staff, and visitors. From signalling class changes and making general announcements to more serious risk-based communications such as impending threats or weather...
Charity Golf Day 2019 in Aid of Primrose Hospice

Charity Golf Day 2019 in Aid of Primrose Hospice

vietec ltd an ICT solutions company in Redditch gets into the swing of fundraising. GOLFERS attended the event and managed to raise over £2,500 for Primrose Hospice at a charity golf day. 15 teams took part in the vietec Charity Golf Day 2019 at the Gaudet Luce in...
Wired Security – Don’t Go Breaking My Network!

Wired Security – Don’t Go Breaking My Network!

In theory, securing wired should be no different from securing wireless. Wired connectivity should be covered by the same consistent access policies afforded to mobility projects. Mobility, after all, is simply “me, getting my stuff,”it’s just that this time I’m...
IP CCTV and Store Optimisation

IP CCTV and Store Optimisation

Invest in the Customer experience with CCTV  With the growing number of communication channels available, Retail organisations are increasingly turning to technology to improve the customer experience across a brands touch points. Understanding the customer’s...