The evolution of Wi-Fi

The evolution of Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi plays a very big part in today’s society, admittedly we can’t live without it. Software and technologies are ever changing, and we all will forever be playing catch up on the ever-evolving topic. Ever wondered how Wi-Fi works? Well, essentially it gets its...


Let’s not get too excited… currently there isn’t a standard or specification attached to 5G, as it is in its preliminary stages. Essentially, we can split the desired aims of 5G into 5 categories;1 – Speed – 5G will aim to have the capability to download a full...


It is important to gather all the relevant information for what you are getting when it comes to shopping for Wi-Fi solutions. Once you know as a business which access points you will be installing, you always should consider how you deploy and support them. Wireless...
Sam’s Story

Sam’s Story

Children with cancer charity fundraising – London Marathon 22nd April 2018. – Donate here  Charity work is very important to vietec and each year we endeavour to donate as much time, effort and money as possible to worthy causes. This year our chosen charity...