Wide Dynamic Range

Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) is an Axis Communications technology that has been developed to enhance their cameras capabilities. WDR is a feature in some network cameras that can handle a wide range of lighting circumstances within their designated area. Usually a scene with a high level of light and dark areas, or even in backlight locations, where a person is in front of a well-lit window, a typical camera would be able to yield an image where the items in the gloomier areas would be hardly noticeable.

There are three components that can be used alongside WDR to enhance this technology further, those are; Forensic Capture, Dynamic Contrast and Dynamic Capture. Forensic capture can shift between WDR and low-light mode to enhance the imagery to provide a sharper and cleaner look. This can then lead to excellent facial recognition due to the technology finding the right balance with the exposure and light conditions.

Dynamic Contrast is when some of the brightness levels are dropped to decrease the format that a computer screen can handle. Dynamic Capture works by keeping many different images, all with different exposure times, and then combing them. The lightest and darkest parts of each are kept, giving a result of a clean and sharp image.

In 2012, Axis Communications revealed their first ever dual feature of Dynamic Capture WDR and Lightfinder. WDR offers the dynamic capture for places that have strong variations in light, and Lightfinder can then offer colour video in low lit conditions. The two technologies go hand in hand, and can provide you with the best quality CCTV imagery.

Here at vietec we can follow your requirements to provide you with the best surveillance for your business.  We can also integrate the above technology into your existing Axis Communications cameras, or alternately we can fit the cameras to suit your business needs. If you feel like your business would benefit from this technology, please do not hesitate to contact us here at vietec.