vietec are proud to announce that we have achieved the SSAIB certification of registration, in Design, Installation Maintenance of CCTV Systems, and in Design, Installation Maintenance of Access Control Systems.

SSAIB is a Security Industry Authority (SIA) approved certification body, in respect of the SIA Approved Contractors Scheme, that operates within the UK.
The Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB) is the leading certification body for organisations providing IP security systems and services, fire detection and alarm systems, telecare systems and services, manned security services and monitoring services.
What does this mean for vietec customers?
Essentially, having the mark provides extra assurances to our customers that vietec have been certified to prove that we as a company have been working towards a standard. The audit process requires vietec to provide evidence that;
- Security screened staff with SIA identification
- Compliant processes to deliver work to a high standard.
- Has the appropriate insurance cover for the type of work to be carried out.
- Follows best-practice security standards.
- Has a premise that is appropriate for the type of security service we provide.
- Annual reviews as continued personal and company development.
Altogether the above points mean that vietec:
- Employ and train staff to a professional level who can be trusted with the handling of anything regarding security.
- Install compliant security systems that do not compromise a site’s security or contradict British and EU codes of practice.
- Customers can know that they will receive quality works to a standard that meets their expectations and needs.
vietec Managing Director, Phil Drew said “We are proud to receive the SSAIB certification which will provide added competence and value within the business and offer customers with the added confidence when choosing security services from vietec”.
The SSAIB Security Industry Authority certification compliments vietec’s manufacturer partnership accreditations including, Axis Gold Partner, Axis Camera Station Specialist, HikVision Silver Partner and Paxton Certified Installers.