PROBLEM: Children Keep Out!
Most schools have a place which is out of bounds for children. New legislation with GDPR and protecting personal and sensitive information, school offices, server rooms need to be monitored. Unsupervised IT suites, chemistry labs and chemical storage areas also need
Using CCTV and software, virtual
CCTV retains restricted areas

PROBLEM: Equipment being stolen or damage
Schools and parents through PTA’s and Friends of the School groups, work hard in fundraising projects. To raise funds for extra equipment to improve the delivery of education, by adding additional items of IT equipment or improving sports facilities or adding to playground equipment. The items are often expensive and sometimes become
Improving perimeter security and monitoring restricted areas with CCTV will help protect valuable property. Using software to trigger alarms when products are moved from an area using cross line detection will alert staff that
CCTV helps secure your property

CCTV can be as simple or complex as it needs to be. Our aim is to give you the right solution and not over-sell products that you don’t need but to give you enough capability on your chosen system to be able to add on further cameras should the need arise.