Wireless network built for schools
At the end of 2013, there were more mobile devices than people on earth. By the end of 2015, roughly 4.5 billion more mobile wireless devices were added. By 2020, there will be 4 devices for every person on earth and more than 24 billion internet-connected devices installed. These devices are known as the Internet of Things (IoT), a network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems.
The UK is pioneering in terms of the use of ICT and digital technologies in many areas of education, which means wireless mobility in education is continually evolving to keep up with the latest performance, security, and management tools.
You might have a school-issued laptop or tablet, and combine that with the personal devices of students, teachers, administrators, parents, and that guests are also bringing in. Then on top of these devices, there are also, applications, there are hundreds of thousands of different applications being used in the world of mobility today, ranging from productivity applications, homework/assignment applications, collaboration apps, video streaming apps, social media, and beyond.

So, how can we change the educational experience in the classroom?
With mobile devices, there is a new potential available with a broader theme around technology literacy and new ideas around how students learn best.
There are many possibilities to teaching, teachers, and students can access unlimited information, share lessons any time to and from any location to multiple devices. Lessons are interactive and personalised. Work and Assignments are submitted in the cloud, and the use of cloud storage has freed up the need for data space.
The question then becomes, how does the wireless network afford teachers to simply be focused on teaching?
Regardless of your school or objectives, wireless mobility is already part of the environment, and it is only going to grow further.

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